I got this cute and fun idea from Bull Session, who got this blog idea from one of her blogs that she reads. It is a fun way to thank "people" for the happenings in your life. So, Dear Bloggers, thank you for sharing ideas. Let's get on with this, shall we?
Dear Tooth Fairy,
Thank you for having my daughter's two bottom teeth come in seperately. It is twice the fun. The excessive drooling is quite a treat.
Waiting for tooth #2,
Dear Mr Sandman,
Thank you making my daughter super sleepy during the day so she is not so super sleepy at night. I appreciate you allowing me to spend more time with my daughter from the hours of midnight to two am.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed,
Dear Seasons,
Thank you for dramatically changing from summer to winter. I hate the fall. I also think it is neat that we went from having the AC on one night, to the very next night turning on the heat. Who knew you could be 20 degrees below average? It will be fabulous for our outdoor family photos on saturday.
Cold and wet,
Dear Tooth Fairy,
Yes, me again. I would like to thank you for making me a chronic teeth clencher. I love to find myself constantly clenching my teeth. The best part is at night when I wake up and feel like my jaw has run a marathon. I am also looking forward to replacing my $200 retainer sooner than necessary because I am wearing it out already, which I wouldn't even need if I didn't have the pleasure of wearing braces. So thank you for giving me cooked teeth so I could experience the joy of braces for two years.
Constantly clenched,
Dear Hershey's,
Thank you for making such delicious chocolate products that I cannot live without. My thighs love my daily fix.
Constantly craving chocolate,
Dear Coffee,
Thank you too for being so addicting. My husband has to drink a whole pot of you every day. You are so great that I have become addicted to your decaf version. You taste aweful but wonderful at the same time, I don't know how you do it. The yellow stained teeth and coffee breath is a nice touch.
Daily sipper,
Dear Laundry,
Thank you for always being there for me. I can always count on you for something to do while Whitney is napping.
Seldom caught up,
That is enough for now, I will have more people to thank later!