Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Hair....

is falling out. By the handful. As soon as I got pregnant my hair stopped falling out and for the first three months of breastfeeding it did not fall out. I am still breastfeeding, but now it is all coming out. I wish it wouldn't.


  1. Mine did the same thing once I stopped breastfeeding. Matt wondered how I had any hair left on my head!!

  2. TOTALLY Normal! It happens at around month 4 due to your hormones returning to "normal" has nothing to do with breastfeeding. Some womens hair gets thicker during pregnancy, its just mother natures way of making you give it back :-) It looked like I had skinned a cat in our shower every day for several months. Abbys fell out too, just the hormones leaving the body. Makes you crazy though, its so gross!

  3. That happened to me, too! At almost exactly 4 months, even though I breastfed for 10 months. I wondered if I was going to go bald there was so much!! Now, I have "baby" bangs growing back... :) Darn hormones!

  4. Me too...just recently, so yeah, around 4 months.
