Thursday, May 3, 2012

Whitney- 3 Years

Whitney is THREE!!  Her birthday was May 1.  I tried my best to make her day special.  I feel bad that we just moved last week and she wasn't able to have a party with anyone.  The pictures are a little out of order because I put some up the other day, blah blah blah.  We blew up some balloons and curled some ribbon and put it outside her door with a trail of ribbon leading down to the living room where her presents awaited her.  She's not a morning person and she couldn't figure out why there were balloons outside her room.   My cousin Mandy and her boyfriend came over for dinner and cake that evening to help us celebrate.
frosting lips!

I tried to do a little photo shoot because she looked so cute in her purple dress with the purple walls but she was not cooperative at all and wouldn't sit still, wouldn't sit there without something in her hands and she wouldn't smile.  She's kind of a serious girl so I guess it suits her.

she got a new t ball set that she is really good at, and if you're curious... the back side of our house

the trail through our house...

trying to wake up and figure out what is going on

she still loves her milk and sippy cup so she thought she was pretty special to have a decorated cup

making her cake.  I was going to let her pick out a birthday cake from walmart, but my mom convinced me she would have more fun making her own, I went with that.  And it was cheaper :)  She picked out a strawberry cake mix and chocolate fudge frosting and flower shaped sprinkles.

I have so much I want to write about her at three, especially because I didn't do a 2 1/2 year post.  Ugh, horrible parent!  I have little time, so here's a little bit....

Her personality has changed a lot in the last year.... for the better.  She still has her moments, but gone are the constant tantrums and whining.  It really was unbearable for a while and embarrassing to be honest.  For the most part she really is a good kid.  She listens well and behaves well.  She is learning to speak nicely. 

She loves her milk and juice.  One of these days we'll get rid of the sippy cup, one of these days.  She loves chocolate milk shakes.  Loves her cartoons, especially Team UniZoomi.  Which is fine with me because at Ellie's nap time she watches cartoons and I can cuddle with her and then get chores done. 

She is done napping and will then sleep about 8:30-7:30.  Works for me.  I prefer her not to nap because when she does she isn't ready for bed until 10pm.  Besides the fact that she doesn't sleep very much compared to other kids her age, she is a good sleeper.  She doesn't fight bedtime.  We lay with her a few minutes and she falls asleep on her own after we have left.  She doesn't wake up at night.

She loves to help with chores.  I give a magic eraser and tell her to scrub all the spots on the wall.  I try to include her more because I know she gets bored during the day when we are home. 

She loves cudles and she is getting a lot better with Ellie.  They will actually play together now and Whitney likes to give Ellie hugs and kisses.

She wears 2t/3t pants and 3t tops.  About 31 lbs.  Size 7 shoe.

Whitney was potty trained at 28 months and took to it really well.  She stays dry at night.  In fact, I can't remember the last night she wet at night so I think once we are out of our diapers ( I have about 10 left and will use them two nights in a row, so about 20 days worth) I will let her wear undies at night.  The off day she does nap she doesn't wear a diaper then.

Can you believe I have only cut the back of her hair?  I have never cut her bangs or sides.  Her hair is growing in SO. SLOW.


  1. I love that first pic with her crazy face! She is so cute. Happy Birthday Whitney!! And holy cow that house looks huge?!

  2. Love her sweet little pictures! hope the girls are handling the move great!
