Oh..... Christmas vacation with babies!! Christmas was a lot more interesting this year, for both sides of the family. We started out on Friday Dec 18th and went to Wade's sisters. The Christmas celebrations started with Wade's Mom, her husband Roger and Grandma Audrey. Grandma Audrey got all the kids a Wii, so we all (especially the boys) had fun playing Wii all week. By the time we got to my sisters Wade was playing it in is sleep! We did a white elephant gift exchange this year and Wade's last minute throw together gift ended up being a hit, which included fire works. Yes, fire works for Christmas! Sunday evening Wade's Dad came down to celebrate with us. We were worried about the weather but still made it to Davenport just fine on Wednesday to head to my sister's. Wade of course had to set up the Wii there and continue to play and play and play. Like I said, he was playing it in his sleep! Wade got up and I thought he was on his way to the bathroom, but then he started bowling by the side of the bed. My parents came to Davenport and my mom's sister's family came sunday for a Christmas dinner. We had lots of family time, and it's nice that we are able to see everyone when we travel. A little overwhelming at times, but overall nice. Wilson and Michelle were even able to see Whitney for the first time and we got to see their new house too! We also ended up getting a little more than gifts this year. Whitney picked up a bad cold from her cousins, not easy keeping chew toys away from babies. It was funny watching the babies take toys away from each other. And I got the flu from my sister's house. I almost died. Really. Okay, not really, but I swear I was close to dying from hypothermia at one point during the night I had the chills so bad. I spent Christmas recooperating on the floor or couch or bath tub. Any place that I could lay down! Thanks everyone for hosting us and Happy Holidays!

Grant loves his baby cousin!

Girl talk?!?!

Brynna, Grant, Whitney and Owen

The babies taking a bath together was HILARIOUS!! Whitney was all excited and screeching and splashing, Brynna was all over the place like the wild animal that she is, and Owen was in the middle crying to get out! I don't blame him!

I think Brynna and Whitney will be two little trouble makers together! Watch out Owen, they may gang up on you!

Let me at her, let go mom!

My big Chistmas present, Whitney- not the box!

My cousin Emma and Whitney

Callie, Alaina and Whitney