Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Taking her first nap in her new bed
I am 34 weeks pregnant now and finally nesting. The holidays are over, I can now say I am due NEXT MONTH, and the urge to get everything ready is taking over. Yesterday we went to Des Moines to good ol' Bed Bath and Beyond to find new bedding for Whitney. I had hopes of finding some cute bedding collection but couldn't find what I wanted. I selfishly don't want her to have too "kiddy" of a room. Something that says I'm a little girl, but still looks tasteful. When Wade figured out how much comforters and such cost, he said "no, we're not spending that much on a toddler." (Usually it is me who says that kind of thing). But he has a point. There is no way she would sleep under a comforter any way and she doesn't need a bunch of cute throw pillows. She doesn't stay under a blanket the entire night any way. So, for now she will sleep on her super soft micro fleece sheets and continue to use her little blankets. The rooms are still in transition and staging, pics to come later. Don't expect too much, I am a minimalist the way it is, and we're not about to hang wall decor when we will be in a different house a year from now.
I'll update tomorrow or later this week on how the bed transitioning is going. She has been sleeping 10hrs straight at night and today she easily went down for her nap. I would like to get the rocking chair out of her room, and that may be a tough one because she likes to "rock a bye" for a few minutes before bed. Haven't decided if I want to leave it in her room for a while, or just take it out now and start a whole new bedtime routine with her new bed. (opinions are welcome) I did not rock her before her nap. I sat in bed with her and then laid her down. She opened her eyes and looked around a bit, but went right back to sleep. I have my fingers crossed that it will continue to be this easy! Yeah right! I also need opinions on whether I should shut her door at night. I have been, but not sure if I should "lock" her in there now that she is free to get up on her own?
Wish me luck! I'm off to do a bunch of tiny laundry!


  1. these are my angry eyes. (just kidding--well maybe not):) seriously how did you do that?! Lo will fall asleep eventually if I lay in there with her until she does. Please do tell! Glad it seems to be going well for you!

  2. Awwww what a sweetie!!! I miss you guys!!
